There are few words that can be used to describe the yearly anime convention at RIT that is Tora Con. Weird. Fun. Interesting. Educational. Geeky. Slutty. Any of these could apply to the children, students and adults that converge on campus to celebrate all things anime with lectures, performances, social gatherings and shopping. For one who is uninformed about anime, simply walking around campus was an adventure of colors, sights and crazy hair styles.
In doing so, it quickly became apparent that the primary reason for attending Tora Con was about spending time with your friends in costume, mugging for the cameras and commenting on other characters. The weather cooperated perfectly, spilling people outdoors into the courtyards and walkways to mingle.

For those not anime inclined, the event could be overwhelming with masses of costumed teenagers clogging the walkways and shouting strange, game-related phrases. The anime lovers were frequently given wide berth by students visiting or working on campus.
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