October 19, 2010

The Conceptual Nature of the iPhone

I recently upgraded my iPhone. This was not a planned move, but one good thing about it has been how freakin' great the camera is on the iPhone 4. Leaps better then my old phone, which I was unprepared for.

This revelation, combined with the very great need to walk around and a semi-new city to stare at has led to some "conceptual" images. Enjoy.

These images were mostly things that I found beautiful, or that I found myself staring at while trying to sort out my day.

I am compelled to record things now, to notice colors and to appreciate moments, even though it can be difficult, it is also a need, something I cannot explain. While I was aware how much I missed shooting, I did not realize how electrifying it was to have a camera again.

October 15, 2010

Small Things

I am spending a good amount of time staring at things blankly. This made me smile. Its also where I spent the weekend, but more on that later.


this is last years video, but it pretty much sums up the creativity, and silliness, at the workshop.