Alright, so I took a bit of a hiatus after my (brief) debut on the blogging scene. But I am back to record the events in my life, or at least in part.
So what have I been doing? I have been working on producing a project on immigration reform for the New York Civil Liberties Union...see it here http://www.nyclu.org/immigrationreform. I helped coordinate where the photographers were going, and edited the audio and images to send to the NYCLU
I have also been photographing, like the portrait assignment (above) that I completed of a classmate of mine this morning. This was the first attempt in a long time to do a formal portrait, but I feel that it was successful. Portraiture is going to become important quickly, as I am starting work on a documentary project on migrant workers in upstate New York. Odds are though that pools and props will not be a part of that project.
Photographer for you to check out? See Leonie Purchas at http://www.leoniepurchas.com/home/ Not only are her portraits of the families in Cuba amazing, her authenticity in photographing is something to be admired. It is almost jarring in comparison of some of the "pretty" photographers whose images tend to get more play. Luckily, my professor Loret showed us her work in class.